Hi everyone! Welcome to HAPPY DAYS Podcast! I am Kelly Ward - Your host I hope everyone is having a beautiful week! So today I decided I wanted to speak about anxiety and how it can really affect all areas of your life. I suffer from anxiety - it comes and goes. What I do now is I try and focus on the things that I can actually control in my life instead of becoming overwhelmed by my thoughts on the future or my experiences from the past. Having anxiety can literally control your life and also hold you back from moving forward. It is basically your body's natural response to feelings of stress. It is that feeling of fear you get from assuming what is to come in your life. I know for myself, it can also be very hard to meet new people or even go out some days because you become so accustomed to being by yourself, you can become very comfortable and it can be hard to actually step outside your comfort zone because you start to become anxious and when you start to feel that, you need...