How To Get Your Life Together
Hi everyone!
I am Kelly Ward - Your host and welcome to another episode of HAPPY DAYS podcast!
I hope everyone is having a beautiful week and I am super keen to be hanging out with you today!
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So today I wanted to discuss how you can get your life together, and the reason I decided that I want to discuss this with you, is basically because I have been in a place where I felt lost, alone, not good enough and it led me down a dark path of depression where I was not sure of where to go next and it really destroyed my emotional health. If I didn't consciously make the decision to change my life, I would have remained stuck because no one was going to save me, I had to save myself, and pull myself out of a dark place mentally. I did eventually get to a point where I wanted my life to change, and I have always had big dreams because I believe in the possibilities of life. However I needed to decide for myself that something needed to change. I literally said to myself, that I want my life to change and I need to make that change for yourself and stop playing a victim.
I now live by self acceptance, balance and also self compassion and to be honest, that is still a continuous ongoing journey for me. We can't be hard on ourselves, we are human and we will make mistakes however we do have the choice to learn from those mistakes on our journey to becoming better individuals and also contributing something meaningful to the world. We also owe it to ourselves to focus on becoming the best version of ourselves. We have the power to change our own lives and sometimes we do need some support, encouragement and guidance on our journey as an extra push to make the positive choice to either remain stuck or commit to making a change in our lives and that is why I created this my podcast show to be that to someone who needs it right now on their journey. To be the light at the end of the tunnel. To help someone make a positive change in their lives.
Finding what works for you is key because life is all about balance. So do what is best for you.
Firstly let's discuss the power of affirmations because how you speak to yourself really matters and ensuring you maintain a positive inner dialogue really sets you up to make better choices for yourself. So what are affirmations? Well they are statements that you make to yourself which are designed to create a healthy self change within the person that practices it in their everyday lives. They can also act as motivation and reassurance when you are feeling down and need a pick me up or a reminder on why you started in the first place. Basically our brain is constantly adapting, changing and rewiring itself and our daily thoughts, habits and our behavior actually influence this process that happens. If you consciously make the decision to repeat positive affirmations consistently in your life, a strong connected called a neural pathway is created. Here are examples of affirmations that you can incorporate into your daily life.
1. I can cope with anything life throws at me. I am strong and resilient.
2. Learning new habits is possible and will change my life for the better.
3. I can cope with hardships and challenges in healthy ways that support my greater good.
4. Happiness is a choice. I base my happiness on my own accomplishments and blessings I have been given.
When you feel good about yourself and you maintain a positive attitude, your life tends to run more in a flow and basically I believe that positivity can raise our vibrations and set the tone for your life. Someone wise once told me that 'you need to do the best with what you have got.' I live by that everyday.
By the way what I mean by getting your life together does not mean, living your life according to the expectations of society and having to fall in love by a certain age or start a business at a certain age or get married at a certain age- that is totally not what I am saying. I am speaking about at any point in your life when you do feel like you are knocked down for the last time, when you do feel lost, when you do feel not good enough- I wanted to discuss ways on how you can get back up again from that point and continue moving forward again.
Just because life has thrown you a curveball does not mean you have to remain a victim of your situation or stop trying. So let's talk about how to get your life back up and running again.
1. Understand the difference between talking and complaining. There is nothing wrong with being honest about your situation or how you are feeling, however don't get stuck in that bad habit of complaining. There is literally a solution for everything, so instead of constantly complaining, why not use your energy to focus on a solution so you can move forward.
2. Live your life with purpose and be proactive - are you guilty of procrastination and never getting anything done? Are you constantly making up excuses on why you cant do something. Well be aware of that and make a change otherwise you will never get anything done.
3. Get organized because to be honest, if you want to build something of importance, substance and quality in your life, that takes time and direction. Organization is very important for planning and then executing on the plan that you have created.
4. Set short term and long term goals for yourself. When you have some structure and direction in your life, you are able to see clearly what needs to be done in order to achieve it. When you hold yourself accountable and end up achieving what you set out to do, you basically build self confidence in yourself. It is important to have a bigger vision for your life and then create a plan on how to get there and even though life can throw curveballs along your journey - you learn to adapt and refocus and then continue trying.
5. Cut toxic people out of your life. You really are who you surround yourself with. It can be very difficult to maintain a positive mental attitude and also stay focused when you are surrounding yourself with the wrong people.
6. Take better care of your physical health because when you work out and make the time for exercise, it gives you mental clarity and makes you feel good.
7. Make the effort to focus on what you are passionate about, because when things get rough in your life, your passion keeps you going and also makes you feel happy and fulfilled.
8. Accept who you are, never suppress who you are.
9. Stop chasing external validation and external happiness.
10. Develop an effective routine for yourself that gives you purpose and structure and live one day at a time, don't overwhelm yourself with the future or the past, focus on your present moment and make the most of that.
I really hope this has inspired you today and provided value in some way to your life. When you accept the role you play in how your life turns out, you also empower yourself to make better decisions for yourself. Let go of what you cannot control and focus on what you can control which is your attitude towards life, your mindset and the decisions that you make for yourself. Remain calm as well if you experience setbacks because nothing worth having in life comes easy. Lastly find something positive that motivates you because motivation is the driving force behind taking positive action in your life and also wanting to improve your life.
I wish everyone an amazing week ahead and thank you so much for hanging out with me! Sending you all lots of good vibes and positive vibrations.
I love you all.
Goodbye everybody :)
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