Hi everyone!

Welcome to HAPPY DAYS Podcast - I am Kelly Ward - Your host

I hope everyone is having a magical week!

Today's episode is basically for anyone who is interested to learn more about how to practice visualization in their lives and also how it works and how it could benefit you. 

When visualizing, start by thinking of a happy moment in your life, one that was filled with joy and happiness, a positive experience for you. Then what you do, is switch your thoughts to your desire. What this does is it supercharges your desire that you want and attaches a positive emotion to that desire. Basically your emotions are the driving force in the whole manifestation process. 

I want to start today off with some positive affirmations so feel free to repeat after me.

- I am worthy

- I am deserving of happiness, love, health and peace

- I care about myself

- I deserve good in my life

- I am worthy of having great relationships

- I am worthy of great success

- I am enough

 So basically the reason why I wanted to start off the episode with some self affirmations is because I want you to be in a state of mind where you are feeling positive, loved, worthy and open minded to allow good in your life. Because when you practice visualization - you need to be in a positive mindset to achieve the results you want, because as I mentioned earlier, when you attach a positive emotion to your desire - you are raising your vibration and creating a clear vision of what you want to achieve. 

So many people are not aware of how powerful visualization can be in their lives. So if you are new to visualization - welcome :) and if you are familiar with the art of visualization - hopefully this can be a helpful reminder or a positive refresher for you. 

Every single day, we are actually practicing visualization, however what we are doing is visualizing the life we don't want. We usually use visualization to imagine the worst outcomes or to express our worries for the future. What you need to realize is that our minds are very powerful and our thoughts create our reality. Visualization is used by so many people as a tool to bring about positive outcomes in their lives. 

So today I wanted to highlight some steps to help you visualize and accurately manifest the life you want. 

Step 1: Know exactly what you want. You need to have a clear vision or idea of what you want and why you want it. This can basically be achieved through understanding what brings you true joy in life and also understanding what you really value in your life. So think about this - have you ever done something in your life, where you feel an immense amount of happiness and joy? If your answer is yes then you are on the right track and that is probably a good sign of what you would want to have in your life.  

Step 2: Be very detailed in your description of what you want to achieve. This is honestly one of the most important steps in the process. When you want to manifest the life you want, you need to be very clear on the vision and what it should look like. You could either write this down or create a vision board of what your vision for your life is and what you want to achieve. This would help you to create a clear, detailed vision of what your life would look like. When you have clarity over what you want, you begin to make smarter decisions every day because you know where you want to go. 

Step 3: Create the positive emotions and begin the visualization practice. When you feel ready to begin, start visualizing the ideal outcome you want. Be very detailed, so imagine the sights, sounds, smells and even the taste of achieving what you want. Once you begin to do this - remember to attach the emotions you would feel if this was your reality now and how that would make you feel. So basically ask yourself in the process - what would I feel if all of my visualizations came true?

Step 4: Remember to also take daily actions everyday. Remember that you cannot just visualize something and automatically tomorrow - you have achieved what you want. It is a combination of visualizing what you want plus hard work and actively working towards achieving what you want. Creating the life you want, won't happen in a day - it is created by a series of actions you take every day to achieve your goals. So also ensure that you are prepared to work towards what you want to achieve in your life. Don't become overwhelmed with how far you need to go, rather focus on the present moment and creating daily or weekly goals for yourself to get to where you want to be. Patience is key and consistency is also key to achieving success. 

Step 5: Be strong and push through adversity. Let's be real, when creating the life you want, you will be faced with challenges so what you need to also prepare for during your journey of visualization is actually imagine yourself experiencing these obstacles, and visualize overcoming them as well, because while you are making plans, life does happen. That is life. You need to focus on what you can control and let go of what you cannot control. So be prepared for challenges and hard times, but never lose sight of your bigger vision for your life. Keep going, keep pushing through. Have enough belief in yourself to keep going. It really comes down to your mindset and your overall perspective on how you view life and challenges. Choose to have a more positive perspective where you become aware of the silver lining and the lesson every challenge brings. So be strong and keep on going. You need to also ask yourself - what would help me to push through this tough time when I am faced with a challenge?

Once you start this visualization process - you will soon begin to see your life actually reflecting your visualizations. So be open, try it and see where it takes you. 

So if you are a beginner - try these simple steps to start visualizing.

- Try to not overthink too much. Ensure you clear your mind and relax your mind.

- Ensure that you use all of your senses.

- Ensure that you do feel relaxed and not feeling tense or stressed.

- Designate a few minutes everyday to start actually practicing visualization in your life.

- Connect a positive emotion to your visualization. So think of a happy emotion and attach that feeling to your visualization. 

- Visualize what you want and feel the emotions you would feel as if you have already achieved it. Fully immerse yourself in that positive feeling of achieving what you want. 

I hope this has helped you gain some knowledge on the art of visualization and also provided you with the simple steps to begin this journey of creating the life you want. 6 months from now - you can be in a totally different space, mentally, physically, spiritually and financially. Keep working and believing in yourself. 

Thank you so much for listening every week and for hanging out with me today!

I love you all and I wish you an amazing week ahead :) 

Goodbye everyone! 


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