How to practice SELF CARE daily

 Self care is so important to practice every day because it only leads to a positive outcome which includes balance in your life and leads towards an improved overall good health and wellness. Life is so beautiful and it is meant to be enjoyed.

Here are 12 amazing self care tips to encourage an overall balanced and fulfilled life.

1. Drink a glass of water as soon as you wake up in the morning because when we wake up, we usually feel dehydrated and that often means starting off the day feeling low. 

2. Write down 5 things every day that you are grateful for because that helps you to put things into perspective. 

3. Create a menu for your week ahead because eating healthy, fresh foods sounds easy enough until life happens. Therefore preparation really is key. 

4. Have some fun because our lives are so busy that it is important to spend time with our loved ones and have some fun. 

5. Take some time to decompress and that does not mean it has to be an activity that is expensive or over the top, even putting down your phone for a few minutes and sitting with your thoughts so that you can reflect is so important and beneficial to your mental health.

6.Move for at least 30 minutes a day and that not only helps you physically but is also super helpfully towards improving your mental health. 

7. Make sure you get enough sleep because when you are sleeping, your brain basically eliminates all of the toxins, strengthens your memory and helps to build neural pathways. 

8. Meditation is so powerful and is truly a skill worth understanding and learning. It has helped me so much before with my anxiety. 

9.Face all of your negativity and write it down. I personally journal every day because it allows me to write down all of the negative self doubt and self talk and that helps me acknowledge it but not allowing it to control me and my thoughts. 

10. Detox from social media and technology- spend some much needed self care time in nature.

11. Make a workout date with a friend because you can achieve your wellness goals by surrounding yourself with friends who support you, rather than spending time with those who bring you down and encourage your unhealthy habits. 

12. Do a plank challenge. This amazing technique helps immensely to strengthen your core and eliminates back pain as well as helps you to be focused and mentally strong. 

It is time to focus on YOU. I have always suffered with intense anxiety and when I take a moment to breathe and remember how important and helpful it is to take care of myself, things shifted for me. 

Fall in love with taking care of yourself and practicing self care. Fall in love with healing yourself from within and becoming more self aware. Fall in love with focusing on becoming the best version of yourself because then you have the ability to live a fulfilled life and help others. Be patient, compassionate and respectful for your own journey. 

Strive for consistency not perfection. 


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