Mental Health
Mental health basically includes your emotional, psychological and social well being. It affects how we think, feel and act. Our mental health determines how we handle stress, how we make our choices and how we can interact with others. It also impacts how we view ourselves and how we live our lives.
I have suffered from depression when I was younger and its not fun. It is like a dark place with no light and no way out. I now have a serious case of anxiety where it literally stops me from doing things or seeing people. I realized that I have had enough of certain issues impacting me where I can't even live life. It was hard to come to that realization. I have been around verbally abusive people my entire life and it eventually damages your mental health and lowers your self esteem.
My dad has always told me that if you allow people to get into your head- you are f**
I have taken that with me throughout my life and tried to remember those words always because it's true and I resonated with it.
These are 6 simple ways for you to improve your mental health.
1. Daily Journaling helps both your memory and mental health. Everyday , create a to-do list, write down your daily affirmations and what you are grateful for in your life. Practicing gratitude has proven to change how you look at your life and the world around you.
2. Reduce Negativity because your feelings, emotions as well as your environment has a massive impact on your overall mental health. If your environment is full of negativity, it will then begin to transfer into other parts of your life.
3. Self Care is such an important factor because it is all about taking the time to do what you love. Spend some time reading, painting, listening to music or my personal favorite spending time in nature.
4. Read More and reduce your screen time. Books truly open our minds and help us to grow and change as individuals.
5. Let go of Expectations because we are constantly surrounded by expectations from ourselves and society. These expectations hold us back and limit us from achieving everything that we want. Identify the expectations you hold for yourself and those that society depicts on us and begin breaking them down and letting go.
6. Exercise because it helps you to stay fit and also strengthens your mindset. I go for a run every morning because it helps me to start my day and makes me feel good. I recommend keeping active throughout your day even if it is going for a walk or taking the stairs. Keeping active keeps your mind and body connected and strong.
As Bob Marley says 'Free your mind from mental slavery.'
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