10 Ways to get out of a negative mood

Hello everyone!

This is going to be a really fun topic because we all find ourselves sometimes in a really bad mood and it ends up spoiling our entire day and our productivity. Some days, you do find yourself in a negative space mentally- we all do, it is part of being human. We have good days and bad days. Sometimes when you are having a bad day and you're in a bad mood- you feel completely helpless on how to change it around and just be happy. Instead of fighting it rather take this opportunity to implement these simple techniques into your life to get you back to those good vibes you so badly want again and be patient with yourself, practice self care. 

So the next time you find yourself in a negative mood, try these amazing ways to snap out of it and feel like yourself again. 

1. Go for a walk- let's be real, there are not many problems that a lovely, long, peaceful walk can't solve. For me, it has to do with the sunshine on my face, the fresh air, spending time in nature, being active and just feeling at peace again. I would even suggest putting in your headphones and just going for a walk outside. 

2. Watch something funny- when I feel down and out, I love watching funny videos, memes, going on YouTube or watching the comedy skits on Jimmy Fallon. Whatever you enjoy as entertainment, choose to dive into that because there is nothing better than laughter to help you out of a bad mood. After about 30 minutes of watching something that brings me joy, makes me laugh, I honestly always feel so much better inside. 

3. Practice journaling because it is honestly one of the best personal development tools available to you. It is so important to be able to release the negative feelings and thoughts consuming you and writing them down, understanding them, reflecting on them and letting it go. Start by writing down 5-6 things you love about yourself and write down 5-6 things you are grateful for. I recommend journaling to my clients whether it is a food journal , if you are trying to lose some weight and build your relationship with food again or if you are feeling anxious or depressed- it is an excellent way to really understand and deal with your emotions before they end up destroying you. 

4. Call or text someone you love because this allows them to give you a fresh perspective and reminding you how strong and amazing you are. Choose to surround yourself with positive, uplifting, driven people who want the best for you and who support you. 

5. Meditate because when we are in a negative state, our minds become filled with negative thoughts and anxious feelings. So take the time to find stillness so that you can allow yourself to refocus and reset. Even trying some mindful breathing can truly make a difference. Remember INHALE the good vibes and EXHALE the negativity. 

6. Have a relaxing bath. I personally love taking candle lit bubble baths, you could add rose petals and scented oils. I love putting on a face mask and allowing myself to melt into a space of relaxation. My muscles become relaxed, my skin is glowing and my mind feels at peace. I highly recommend it. 

7. Practice visualization because this really helps you practice focus and consistency. By closing your eyes, imagining yourself during a perfect day of your choice and actually experiencing how you would be feeling and this is an incredible way of manifesting your ideal day and a great practice to raising your vibe. Live your perfect day from start to finish and hold onto that feeling inside. Learn to tap into that feeling of inner happiness, especially on those days where you feel really down. 

8. Eat your favorite food or go to your favorite restaurant. I personally love going out for breakfast, lunch or dinner and when I am feeling down, I find happiness is going out and being in a different setting and eating my favorite meal or going for a smoothie. A slight disclaimer is that I absolutely love smoothies and coffee dates- I just enjoy the experience and I love smoothies because I know when I am feeling really low, my body will really appreciate the pick me up, especially if its filled with berries and dragon fruit. So whatever makes you happy and makes you feel good inside- do more of that. 

One of the biggest secrets to happiness is practicing a positive perspective, because it is impossible to avoid failure, pain, struggles, negative thoughts, however when we start to look for the good in every experience- we begin to see the lesson, to help prepare us for the next mountain we may need to climb but this time we have the knowledge. Life has seasons, when you are prepared for the good and the bad- you are able to get through anything so never allow a bad situation or a bad day to get you down or hold you back. 

Tomorrow is another day, a new beginning. The negative can be so loud that we sometimes forget the positive. 

I took the bus everywhere, I earned 4000 a month, I could not afford proper food and I felt like I had no purpose. 

Now I have my own car, I moved into my first home last year, I have my own business, I have the opportunity to help others, I am at my ideal weight and I am mentally stronger now, still working towards achieving my goals and dreams, and constantly trying to better myself every day. 

When you wake up and realize that life is a gift no matter what. That is tapping into your inner happiness and expressing gratitude. 

I hope this has inspired you and I wish you a lot of good vibes, positivity, success, happiness and overall amazing health. 

All my love. 


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