Do you fear being truly happy?

 Hello everyone!

Welcome to your weekly dose of good vibes!

Happy Wednesday! 

Have you ever asked yourself if you are truly fearful of actually being happy? Because so often we tend to subconsciously give into self sabotaging behavior that holds us back because we are afraid of being happy and coming to the realization that that is possible. 

We sometimes find ourselves stuck in a negative spiral where things are simply not going our way and we assume that is what life is about however we don't realize that we have the power to change that narrative in our lives and actively make the effort to change it. 

Today I want to highlight 7 ways to get past what is holding you back.

We all have our own fears in life and usually we focus all of our energy on avoiding those fears instead of tackling them head on. One of those fears could be embracing happiness in your life and not fearing it because we are scared it won't last or it is not a sustainable experience in life, however life has seasons and there will be good and bad experiences, but why not focus on fearing being happy and simply embracing it into your life. I strongly believe that the energy you put out in the world, is the energy you receive back. 

We aren't fearing the thought of a care free life or the idea of beautiful bliss, we are just sometimes not used to the idea of being happy because we don't believe we are worthy of happiness or that we don't deserve it. 

Reality check...YOU ARE!

The key to happiness is the practice of self acceptance. Why not focus on discovering the success, love, peace and happiness within ourselves?

Let's begin.

1. Let go and accept the past. We tend to remain focused on thinking about our past mistakes and allow that to hold us back. Maybe we've been hurt or hurt someone else? Maybe we have embarrassed ourselves or failed. I just want to remind you that those are what makes us human. When we continue to tell ourselves that we don't deserve joy or happiness in life because we are imperfect and have made mistakes in the past, we basically limit our capacity to achieve success in all areas of our lives. 

Why not learn to accept the past for what it was and move forward. The beauty of life is that there is room for positive growth, change and of course failing. Keep yourself moving forward and remaining present in this moment because we all deserve happiness. Use those past mistakes as a lesson to only become a better individual. 

2. Stop self sabotage because we need to learn to remove ourselves from the mindset that if we lose something, we probably deserve it anyway. Why don't we rather go after what we want, unapologetically and that means without hurting other people of course. Let go of negative self talk, create a healthier inner dialogue so that the way you view yourself can change. Being negative is so easy and being positive can be much harder and we tend to move towards the 'easy way' too often even if it means that we suffer. So if you truly want to be happy and successful in your life, make the extra effort to be more positive, to change your negative mindset into a growth mindset so that you can achieve the happiness, joy and success you deserve. 

3. Stop putting yourself down before even trying. So often we focus on what could go wrong before even striving towards our goals and that is how we remain stagnant. Being stagnant can be comforting because change is scary so we choose to stay inside our comfort zone. We need to stop focusing on the negative outcomes and rather move forward towards focusing on achieving our goals. 

4. Practice more gratitude in your life because when we actually take a moment to evaluate all of the good in our lives, we start to see that happiness is all around us. We can be grateful for our jobs, homes, family, friends, pets, good health, successful business or simply a brand new day. We can be grateful for so much because there is a lot to be grateful for. When you actually take the time to write them down on paper, you give those words power. We are able to see what we have made possible and what we can continue to achieve. Joy and happiness is contagious so surround yourself with gratitude. 

5. Show more compassion to yourself. It is so funny how easily we can console someone else when they are feeling down or when they need a pick me up but we sometimes make ourselves feel bad for our short comings and mistakes and we need to try and practice more self compassion towards ourselves too. The constant negative self talk and unwillingness to forgive ourselves needs to stop.  We need to work on practicing self forgiveness and lifting ourselves up too when we are feeling down. When you actually focus on accepting the mistakes you have made, understand the lesson from that, you are allowing yourself to forgive and move forward. 

6. Choose to accept failures as steps to growth not as a final outcome. Failures can really mess with us mentally by stopping us from moving forward in life because we fear failing again. When you realize that failing is a step towards success because you gain knowledge from that experience, you start to begin to see it as a stepping stone instead of a final destination. That shift mentally will help you to move forward. 

7. What do you define happiness as?

Firstly stop comparing. It is so hard with social media because it can be very hard to determine what our version of happiness and success looks like because we are constantly influences by everyone else and what society shows us what it should look like to be happy and to be successful. However happiness may look very differently to you. Visualize what makes you happy and what brings you joy in life and focus on achieving that. Block out the noise of everyone else especially if what you are surrounding yourself with does not benefit you. 

8. Be happy and focus on being happy and it may take some effort, it may be very hard but it is possible. As they say, nothing worth having comes easy. So if you really want happiness in your life, make the effort every day to achieve it. 

I hope this has uplifted you today and made you feel good inside and also inspired. 

I believe in you, so believe in yourself. 

I wish you lots of good vibes, happiness, success and overall amazing health. 

I love you all.  


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