Let's talk about building self confidence

 Hi there!

Welcome to your weekly dose of good vibes!

Stay listening because I have an exciting giveaway to announce!!

Today I want to discuss self confidence and I am going to highlight 6 FANTASTIC ways to build self confidence. 

When you have self confidence, it brings amazing benefits in all areas of your life, whether it's at home, work, in relationships and I want to highlight the positive benefits of having self confidence. 

When I was younger I was extremely shy, some would say a natural people pleaser- I want everyone to be happy even if that means being unhappy with myself. I have always been an introvert and knew a lot of people but didn't have many real friends. I preferred being in my bedroom, listening to my favorite music and I loved to dream. I've always felt different and as I grew up, I found myself not interested in engaging with people anymore because I felt like the conversations that I was surrounded with was not productive, positive, uplifting, fulfilling and lacked substance. People also judge a lot, I was judged on what I wore, my social media posts...and you get the message. So I decided that no ways would I want to be around people who only have negative comments to say and that really knocked my self confidence. As I always say if someone keeps saying something frequent enough to you - you will start to believe it. Mental health was not a topic that anyone was aware of or really discussed but I definitely lost a lot of belief in myself as well as my self confidence. 

As you get older, you simply begin to stop caring about what people say about you and you begin to become aware of the amazing people in your life who have always believed in you. One of those people is definitely my dad. He has the biggest heart and the best music taste haha. When I was my lowest with no direction - he never gave up on me, he only pushed me to become stronger and realize my worth. he helped me develop a mindset where I started having a more positive perspective on life and where I started to become mentally stronger because I looked at bad situations as an opportunity to grow. He never gave up on me, he has always believed in me and sometimes you need someone positive in your life who you look up to and who inspires you and someone who believes in you when you really don't believe in yourself. 

The positive benefits of having self confidence is you perform better, you develop healthy relationships and not just with people but with yourself. You have an open mind to trying something new even if you fail and you develop resilience which means you bounce back even after any adversity or challenge you may face in life. 

I want to highlight 6 amazing ways to build your self confidence back up again. 

1. Stop comparing yourself to others because why spend your energy focused on making yourself feel worse when everyone has their own unique journey. Focus on your own strengths and victories in life.

2. Surround yourself with positive people because it is important to surround yourself with people who love you and want the best for you.

3. Take care of your body and mind because when you actually take the time to focus on treating them right, you begin to naturally feel good about yourself. Practice more self care for example focus on eating healthier, exercise because that improves your overall view on your body and also strengthens the mind, meditate because it teaches you to stop encouraging negative self talk by becoming more aware of your thoughts in order to change them to be more positive. Lastly have good quality sleep. 

4. Be more kind to yourself because self compassion is one of the main components to stop beating yourself up, learning from mistakes and moving forward to becoming better.

5. Practice positive self talk because instead of telling yourself -' I cannot handle this' or 'this is impossible' rather replace that by saying 'you can do this' and 'all I can do is my best and try'

6. Be fearless and face your face, step outside of your comfort zone because true growth comes from steeping outside of your comfort zone. When you realize that making mistakes is part of life, you begin to try more so you can learn more and when you achieve something, you slowly begin to develop more confidence in your abilities. 

I hope this has helped you to understand the simple ways you can build more self confidence so that you can achieve the life you don't want a vacation from and that you can achieve your most fabulous, resilient self. I believe in you so believe in yourself. 

Thank you for listening. I am giving away a FREE Guidebook on Top 10 Habits Happy People Do! 

Click the link in my bio.

I love you all. 


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