How To Live Your Happiest Life
Hi everyone!
Welcome to Happy Days! I am Kelly Ward - Your host
I hope you are having a beautiful week!
Welcome to this week's episode!
Today's topic is all about how to live your happiest life!
So I am pretty sure we have all been in a situation where we feel as if we are stuck or simply unable to move forward. We sometimes can't actually identify what the reason is that we feel off and out of place right?
Or even figure out what is bothering us. It is hard as well to actually shake that feeling because we really need to put in that mental work ourselves. Because we all know that feeling all too well, I wanted to discuss mindfulness techniques that you can use to help you to break that pattern of disconnect to yourself, where you can consciously shift your mood and rediscover your inner peace again.
When it comes to changing the energy or vibe around you, you are basically in the drivers seat, because you have the power to either take the happiness highway or take a left turn down a dark mental alley. The main reason of how we feel on a daily basis has to do with the quality of our own thoughts.
Believe it or not...We are capable of changing our own thoughts into more positive ones. Even though we cannot see our own thoughts, they do play a major role in creating our reality and what we manifest into our lives. Our thoughts can either consist of having a life filled with love, happiness, safety, amazing health and peace or a life of sadness, depression, fear and chaos.
Today I want to basically prioritize your mental health through being able to manifest your happiest life, protect your mind and wellbeing and also be able to practice more gratitude each day.
Have a positive mantra when starting your day whether you tell yourself 'Today is going to be a good day' or 'I am excited and ready for an amazing day ahead.' When you set that intention for the day, you are training your brain to start off the day on a good, positive note. This will automatically shift your mood and set you up for success for the day.
Start a gratitude journal and when you wake up, write down 5 things you are grateful for. When I wake up, I like to make myself a coffee or have a matcha and take 5-10 minutes simply writing down how I feel, what I want to achieve and also highlight all that I am so grateful for. I enjoy writing down positive quotes and a positive affirmation each day. Once you actually get started on journaling each morning and at the end of each day, you will begin to look forward to this new routine and your mood will improve to a more joyful and optimistic perspective on your life.
What are your goals for the week? I know that if I don't write down my goals or have any goals set out for my day or week, I end up feeling de motivated and depressed. Try writing down at the beginning of the week before bed, all of the tasks, goals and accomplishments you want to achieve, which will keep you productive and motivated and it also gives you purpose. You basically also avoid procrastination and it truly helps to consciously be aware of how you use your time.
Schedule time for emotional rest because when you take the time to embrace much needed 'me time', you are able to nurture your emotional health. It is so important to have a balance in your life to avoid burning out and being super stressed out. In order to achieve the goals, dreams and happiness in your life, you also need to take the time to rest and protect your own emotional wellbeing. I am a huge advocate for self care because self care encourages us to take the time to take care of ourselves and to recharge, do what makes us happy, so that we can be mentally prepared for anything.
While I was in the car the other day, I thought to myself...What does the best version of yourself mean?
We all have different sides to who we are, so how can we be our best self? What is the reality of what that means?
I read this quote that said 'If you’re feeling anxious about self-improvement, remember: every person is completely unique. Someone else’s life path cannot be your benchmark of success, since they have different dreams, passions and skills. There is also no roadmap or ideal outcome in life, because everyone’s path is theirs and theirs alone.'
So how do you really discover who you are?
Basically in order to become the best version of yourself, you need to uncover your uniqueness and what your own values, passions and interests that define who you are in life and in the world.
You need to really be super honest with yourself and find out what brings you joy in life? Who do you enjoy being around? What do you want to contribute to the world? It can be very easy to put ourselves down but the truth is that we are fully whole and complete exactly the way we are. You need to focus on getting in touch with your authentic self because that will free you to become the best version of yourself. Therefore have that honest conversation with yourself and find out what truly makes you happy in life.
When you have actually identified the person that you want to be, start planning how to become the best version of you. Start first with having the end goal in mind - your ideal self. From there, start taking more consistent steps to get there.
What I struggle with are limiting beliefs I have about myself. Think to yourself- you know who you are, but do you actually know who you could be? So many of us are held back by limiting belief systems which are simply untrue thoughts we have about ourselves. When you start to learn to understand them and let go of the thoughts holding you back, you are able to then push forward to find out who you really are as a person.
Your vision for who you want to be, needs to be yours and no one else's. We sometimes build ourselves based on the expectation of others. Let that go.
I always speak about this word called 'self compassion' because becoming the best version of yourself is about you and not other people. Therefore stop comparing yourself to others and understand that everyone is on a different path. If you are not where you want to be, have compassion for yourself. Instead of using your time scrolling through your social media feed or focusing on putting yourself down for a setback that occurred, why not go outside or go for a walk and do something that makes you happy. Change those negative thoughts you tell yourself and replace them consciously with more empowering words and positive self talk.
In the end, it doesn't matter how fast you are going, as long as you are moving.
When you develop a growth mindset and realize that no one is made up of only strengths and that we all have pain points that we need to be aware of so that we can become the best version of ourselves. When you look for opportunities to improve, you will become stronger. Instead of constantly focusing on what you are doing wrong in life, rather focus on improving. That is where the true growth comes from in life, when you are focused on improving yourself so that you can become your ideal self that you know you are capable of achieving.
The true secret to living your happiest life is to focus on the positive. In order to find long term happiness and success, you need to basically refrain your brain from having a negative mindset and changing your mindset to a more positive one.
It is not as easy as it sounds, but it is worth it to put in that work to achieve the life you want and to become your ideal version of yourself. That is how you achieve happiness. It is possible to live a happy life despite the good and the bad that comes from the seasons of life. You need to simply put in the work to achieve it.
I really hope this has inspired you and I wish you an amazing week ahead.
I love you guys.
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