Instant gratification VS Long term gratification

 Hello everyone!

Welcome to your weekly dose of good vibes!

In general we all want things now rather than later and there is a psychological discomfort associated with self denial. Due to us evolving at a rapid speed, we sometimes seek immediate rewards and results. Instant gratification basically encourages a quick turn around time and easy results however with a more delayed approach to gratification in our lives, it tends to produce a more long term change and also more meaningful results. The difference between instant gratification and long term gratification is that one leads to a short term reward that makes you feel good in the moment but it wears off quickly, while the other is a long term life skill that provides you with a long term, sustainable results.  

Which one do you prefer?

I personally have always wanted instant gratification because I wanted things right now instead of taking the time to create more sustainable, long lasting results. For example - when you buy something that you have always wanted and something you have worked towards for a long time. In the moment you feel excited and accomplished and happy however from personal experience, that feeling goes away very quickly especially when it comes to a material object. So as I get older, I try and work towards goals that create more meaning in my life. 

We can experience a lot of pressure from friends, family or social media to have it all figured out by a certain age or a short period of time. We measure our success and happiness from the achievements of others. It can add a layer of pressure that weighs on you and brings along a lot of anxiety and worry. You need to really block out the noise and it can be very hard to do that but it is the only way to really focus on what makes you happy. Everyone is on their own unique journey and some of us find success very early on in our lives, but that does not mean it should pressure you to try and squeeze your life into someone else's time constraint. 

Let's touch on social media for example - like Instagram. Instagram is a highlight reel and it is only showing everyone's best parts. Anyone who tells you otherwise is totally lying to you. It can make you feel as if, you are not good enough, not skinny enough, not successful enough or not pretty enough. We can really put ourselves down so it is so important to remind ourselves of what social media really is. You can use social media to your advantage too, to create something positive. It is what you make of it. You could use it to promote your business, grow your personal brand or even create content that adds value and inspires others. Try not to focus on what everyone else is doing, if it is only going to take you to a really dark place mentally. Then it simple is not worth it. 

The type of role model I look up to, is not someone who is perfect, or has the most money, or comes across like they know everything. It is someone who has made mistakes, experienced adversity and struggles in their lives but has risen above that and achieved something that really provides value to other people. Someone who does not give up. Someone who sees the beauty of life and what it has to offer and continues to strive to grow and be better no matter what their circumstances are. That is someone who is worthy of being a role model. So try and not focus your energy on comparing yourself to unrealistic expectations. Focus on what makes you happy. 

The short duration of life and the uncertainty of life tends to influence us to want instant gratification. We tend to focus on the destination instead of enjoying the journey. Our general sense of time is altered by our moods. Time seems to go painfully slow when you are doing something you don't enjoy but when time flies, it is when you are really having fun and enjoying yourself. 

Wouldn't it be nice to suddenly have a seven figure successful business, have an audience across the globe and have tons of free time?

You would basically be an overnight success story however the only thing is that the connection you have created would not be a deep one, which means that it won't last long. So you need to ask yourself, would it be worth it?

Many people want a successful career, wealth, amazing health or a beautiful life handed on a silver platter while others are willing to work hard, put in the extra effort needed and dedicate themselves to find the best way forward. 

I want to discuss 3 reasons why hard work and persistence will pay off greater than instant gratification in business and in life. 

1. Long term gratification is more rewarding because if you think about it, the best things that have happened to you in life are likely things that you have worked really hard for. They have emotionally, mentally and physically pushed you. So that when you received the reward, all of the struggles were well worth it. This is a true skill that is built over time that will only improve your chances by creating a community of trusting people who you surround yourself with. Why not take small steps every day to instill a sense of trust within yourself?

For example - if you have a business that you want to grow, commit to working on it every day for one or two hours. If you want to lose weight, hold yourself accountable to exercise for 30 minutes a day. If you actually do these small steps every day consistently, you will increase your ability to create long term gratification as well as build self confidence at the same time. The by product of self confidence is belief in yourself. 

2. Slowly built success is trusted and sustainable because trust me entitlement won't bring you long term success and it also will not get you clients that trust you. Hard work is not overrated, and it is what will actually bring you genuine success. When you realize that the successful people you do see, are the ones willing to put in the work to build long term gratification, they have been consistent in showing up every day because they want long term success in every area of their life. I know you can do it, so fight the urge to give into instant pleasure because it does not last. Seeking a greater pleasure of fulfilment is well worth it.  

3. Create a growth mindset where you practice mindfulness and self reflection daily. It could be a morning routine of meditation or mindfully eating a meal a day where you are fully present. Do something that places you in the present moment without any distractions. If you do find yourself being impatient and feelings of anxiety begins to surface- try reflecting on how it made you feel and whether or not, you want to make decisions like that in the future. When you begin to find the balance of being in the present moment, taking small steps every day towards your goals and remaining consistent to achieve long term gratification, you will start to see positive growth and a more meaningful experience throughout life. 

Focusing only on achieving instant gratification only leads you down a road of disappointment which ends up in you feeling like a failure. When you focus on the benefits of long term growth, success and happiness, you begin to live a more meaningful life. Be prepared to put in the work to achieve the life you want. You will see the rewards in the end. This is a lesson I had to learn from a young age, so learn from my mistakes and take those small steps every day for the life you want. 

I believe in you, so believe in yourself. Enjoy the journey!


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