(#5) 3 reasons why taking the high road is totally worth it

 Hello beautiful people!

Welcome back to WELLNESS BABE podcast. I am Kelly Ann Ward. 

I hope you have had an awesome week and I am super excited to be hanging out with you. Today's episode is all about the 3 reasons why taking the high road is totally worth it. 

Lately in life, I have been trying to find more Zen in my life and through this journey, I have started becoming more aware of what drains my energy and what fills my cup. Letting go of past hurt and not allowing certain situations to constantly consume your mind, is part of taking the high road and choosing to have more peace. 

Have you ever been hurt deeply by someone, or been betrayed by a close friend, or your ex partner treated you badly and will never take responsibility for it. Well...welcome to the club, because these are experiences that most people encounter in life and it definitely sucks. Taking the high road is never easy, it takes strength, however it provides you with the opportunity to come out much stronger. When you learn how to positively respond to someone who has been mean, hurtful and destructive towards you. It takes ALOT to be the bigger person in situations, however you can't expect someone to meet you at the level you are at. We all handle situations in life differently and we all make mistakes, and it can be such an unfair feeling to constantly be the bigger person in every situation and it can be emotionally draining too. The high road is challenging, it's hard and it can test you in various ways. But what does life constantly teach us. It teaches us that it first needs to get worse before it gets better, which basically translates to the fact that even though something may be difficult now, it won't always be difficult and the reward at the end, is the lesson you learn and the strength you gain. I think that is a pretty awesome reward. Take this approach, change your perspective to a more positive one and you will win at life. 

On this week's episode, the topic is all about what you will acquire, when you take the high road. So what is the 'high road?'

Well...taking the high road means letting go of needing to be right, and not allowing your ego to influence you in wanting to be right. It is about releasing judgement, resentment or any blame you may have towards someone or a situation. Let it go. That is the journey I am currently on and it's tough but it's so worth it and that is why I wanted to create this episode for you, because we all go through situations in life where we get hurt or people hurt us, and it's damaging. Those emotions or trauma we experience stays with us for a very long time, until it comes to a point where it starts to surface so that you can deal with it. Therefore choose to start the journey of letting go of what does not serve you in life. Don't allow anyone or any situation to have so much power over you. It will only hold you back and unforgiveness keeps them in control, so release it. So stand strong and be kind. 

1. Self-discipline


Well...it takes a huge amount of patience, discipline and emotional strength in order to be totally cool, calm and collected when someone or something has caused you pain. If you look on the bright side, you will realize that every time you choose this path, you constantly acquire that skill of patience and discipline, and when you choose to be peaceful and respectful in a situation that has hurt you, it is going to benefit you in the future when you are faced with another similar situation. It takes great self-power and a strong mindset, to really take a step back from a situation or person that hurt you and choose to rather be kind and move on. That takes way more strength than choosing the easy way out and being a destructive, negative person. When you are more disciplined mentally, you will develop the art of looking at the bigger picture, being able to identify your emotions attached to the situation and how you can handle the situation in a healthy way. You could potentially ask yourself these questions when faced with a hurtful situation or person. 

- What am I so hurt by this?

- Why did this person treat me this way?

- What is the best possible way for me to handle this?

These types of questions will basically teach you how to ask yourself, which way is the best way for me to go when faced with hurt and pain. You will become a much better person because of this. 

2. Self-Power

You regain so much power over a situation when you choose to take the high road. When you respond with peace, kindness and respect, you take the power away from the destructive person and that shows them that they need to rethink the way they treat others and that it hurt you, but it won't impact you. It shows that you have control over your emotions. Of course, you are going to be hurt and you are entitled to those emotions, however the key is to respond and not react. You aren't responsible for the actions of others, therefore find peace in knowing that you handled the situation the best way you could and in the most respectful way. 

How do I know this works?

Because I have been there. I have experienced many situations where I have been hurt by people and those experiences taught me how to handle tough situations and how to deal with the pain in a healthy way and how to walk away from a situation and be the bigger person. It hurts but you can find so much peace and strength by taking the high road. All you can do, is continue to improve yourself. When you come from a place of love and compassion towards other people, that is when you are able to have a more positive perspective on a situation and you are able to allow yourself to let it go for yourself. 

3. Peace

The most important aspect in all of this has to be peace. When you take the high road, you are really at peace and you are in control of how the situation is going to affect you. Having peace of mind, also frees you from the anger, and helps you to process how to handle whatever negativity is thrown your way with a more clear mind. This provides you with the opportunity to not make damaging decisions that are sometimes clouded by anger and hurt. The only way you can actually achieve the results I am speaking about in this episode, is by making the conscious effort to choose the high road every time the opportunity presents itself. When you do so, it increases self-discipline, power and peace within yourself. Yes...it's a challenging concept to really put into practice, but it is totally worth it. 

Taking the high road means doing the right thing, even if it is not easy. Let's be real, it can be hard to remove yourself from a situation, especially if the issue seems unresolved, or if people have negative opinions about you. Ultimately, stepping away from certain situations in life can bring about a more positive outcome. By taking this approach, you are allowing the situation to dissolve itself and you are helping others realize that the disagreement was so insignificant to the bigger picture. So by taking the high road and rather removing yourself from the situation, instead of choosing the path of encouraging negative comments or words, you are helping yourself more than you think. In life, there is always going to be a difference in opinions among people and that is totally okay. By understanding that you can't win every battle and choosing to walk away, provides you with the power to not allow that situation to control you. 

It also avoids so much drama. No one wants a situation to be drawn out or to have an unnecessary argument. I know I dislike conflict so much and it hurts my soul when being in a situation where there is conflict. By taking the high road though, you simply end the situation. Sometimes in life, situations are petty and are not worth the time and effort to be involved in it. There will be people who simply don't understand your side of things and that is totally fine. When you choose the high road, you are choosing not to react to a situation and you are removing yourself from a place with negative energy. You don't have to worry about saying something that you would probably regret and you are going to thank yourself later for taking the high road, being the bigger person and not fixating on a situation that brings you down. You will feel so good about yourself. 

Everyone is different and if we were all the same, that would be so boring. haha

In saying that, I would highly recommend to not spend all of your time proving yourself to someone who may never understand you. You will miss the beautiful opportunity to find people who want to hear what you have to say. Sometimes you need to remove negative people and toxic people from your life in order to make more room for the ones who are going to respect and care about you. You will feel so good about yourself when you choose to not fight every battle. Life is too beautiful to argue over the small things. When you choose to rise above negativity and adversity, you empower yourself and you also show others that you are not bothered by negative comments or opinions. What an amazing feeling it is, when you allow yourself to let go of negative situations and focus your time on more positive experiences. Live your best life. 

I really hope you enjoy this week's episode about 3 reasons why taking the high road is totally worth it. I am giving away my Affirmations Guidebook, where I compiled and wrote my favorite affirmations for you to enjoy. Click on the link in the podcast episode bio and receive your FREE affirmations guidebook. Affirmations really helped me begin the journey towards inner and outer transformation. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed creating it. 

Thank you so much for listening. 

I love you :)

Ciao :)


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