How to get out of your own way and get things done.
Hello everyone!
A warm welcome to your weekly dose of good vibes.
Today's topic is how to get out of your own way and get things done.
Firstly, so often in our life, our biggest obstacle is ourselves. Let's be real, we can push ourselves to finish those last few hours of work even when we feel really drained, we can apply ourselves better to a task however our minds can constantly focus on resistance and once you are more aware of your own thoughts, your mind does not control you and you are able to make positive changes.
Sometimes we tend to give into self sabotaging thoughts, we spend time with demotivated people and we give up when it comes to a small setback. We stand in our own way because we choose to allow ourselves to encourage negative thought patterns, to not look at bad situations as growth and to give up really easily because we keep telling ourselves that we are not good enough.
Snap out of it. It is so easy to blame others for bad situations you experience in life or not achieving the goal you set out to achieve, however you are the only one standing in your way. It is all about perception. Change that aspect in your life and watch the magic happen. I won't say it will be easy because life throws us with curve balls while we make plans, however you need to practice resilience, determination, consistency and train your mind to see the good in each situation so that no matter what, you continue to move forward. Adapt to the ever changing experience called life because only the resilient individuals survive.
Here are 7 AMAZING WAYS to get out of your own way.
1. Start by dreaming or visualizing in strategy and not only in theory because you need to THINK how you will create something, not IF you will.
2. Don't surround yourself with people who drain and frustrate you and who only bring you down. It is not worth being around people who are constantly negative and are never able to see the bigger picture or vision. Let go of people who misunderstand you, because in the end, they only hold you back. You need to be very picky on who you listen to and surround yourself with.
3. Be fully honest with yourself. If you are in debt, know the number down to the cent. if you are over weight, know exactly by how much so you can actively make a change. If you are over spending, know exactly where that money went. If you are not performing that well professionally, know exactly what others are doing and do better for yourself. You are not stuck or unlucky or lazy, you are simply stuck because you are in denial. You cannot make a change in your life, if you don't accept your reality and where you are, so that you can actually make a positive change. Stay in denial, remain stuck in your situation.
4. Read more. Yes sounds really cliché however reading helps you gain a lifetime of knowledge in a few hours. It also helps you to expand your mind and vocabulary. You constantly need to keep your mind active.
5. Instead of focusing on the setback, whether you experience 10 setbacks and it feels like nothing is working. Firstly remain focused on the bigger vision and secondly change your plan, look at where you may be going wrong and make a change.
6. Write down all of the things you may worry about and pick out the patterns that you notice because those patterns, are the areas in your life that need attention otherwise they will end up holding you back.
7. Stop adding extra pressure on yourself looking for success as major breakthroughs and rather look at shifting your daily habits and routines as the break throughs themselves. It is important to celebrate those small changes because in the end that creates a fulfilling version of success.
8. Lastly, this is something that I had to realize from a young age and it actually truly empowered me. If you are looking for someone to help you, save you or create for you the life you want, take a breath and look in the mirror. Here is where you begin. Life does not owe you anything and neither does anyone else. You are in control of your own life and the success and happiness you want to achieve.
Sooo are you feeling scared? GOOD. We don't grow when we stay inside our comfort zone.
I love you all.
Wishing everyone lots of good vibes, happiness, success and amazing health.
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