(#7) stand up for yourself and lead your life
Hello beautiful people!
Welcome back to WELLNESS BABE podcast. I am Kelly Ann Ward.
Hope you are all doing amazing and had a great week so far. It is becoming much colder at night now, which is lovely, I am not complaining, because it's an excuse to drink more tea and I absolutely am vibing with that idea so much.
On this week's episode, I wanted to discover the power of standing up for yourself and leading your life. Our number 1 priority in life, should be to become more of ourselves and to grow into ourselves in order to become the best version of ourselves. When we actually feel our best and we feel confident and comfortable in who we are, we glow differently, we live life differently, we feel happier and we treat others so much better. In life, we have the BEST teachers, whether it is our parents, people we meet or the mistakes we make and the hardships we encounter in our life. So how do you actually live a meaningful life?
Well...this is something I am pretty sure, we all stive to achieve and we all want to live a life where our legacy we leave behind, is how many people we have helped along on our journey and how many lives we impacted in a positive way. Even being a kind person can leave a long lasting impact that becomes your legacy. You want someone to think of you as - wow, that was a bright one.
This is attained through having a deep awareness about who you are and why you are here. That is where it all begins. When your deepest intentions are right about why you are doing something, then you are on the right track, no matter if you fail or succeed. What truly matters is when you are happy about yourself. When you wrap your head around the fact that it is such a privilege to be here and to be human, things will shift for you. Having a deep gratitude for life is so important. It definitely changes your entire perspective on existence. Success has different meanings for everyone. Some define it as money, fame, external validation, but the greater meaning of success to me personally, is by being comfortable and happy in being who you are. That is when you align yourself with people who share the same values as you, you make better decisions for yourself and your heart and mind opens. Never feel guilty for doing what is the best for you. Be strong enough to be able to say - I will not allow you to treat me this way. Saying no sometimes is ok and if someone doesn't like you for it, that is ok too. I lived so much of my life trying to please everyone, trying to make everyone else happy, trying to spare everyone else's feelings while I was only doing a disservice to myself. It definitely impacts you negatively and it is so important to realize that your voice matters, you have the power to impact this world in a positive way. Working on yourself and wanting to improve your life is an ongoing journey, it is not a destination. We apply so much pressure onto ourselves because we look at what everyone else is doing, when we should rather be focusing all of our energy on focusing what we want and what is going to make us happy.
When you live a meaningful life you are connected to your purpose, and some of us only discover our purpose later on in life and that is totally ok. Living a more meaningful life is such a major component in creating happiness in your life.
I want to discuss simple ways for you lead your own life and live a life with meaning so that you can truly be fulfilled.
1. Be aware of what is important for you. Therefore write down 5 things that you believe are the essence of how you want to live your life.
2. Go after your passion. I believe that everyone should pursue their passion in life because it makes life worth it and it gives our lives true meaning and purpose, because we truly enjoy it. For example, when you use your passions to give back to the world, that provides you with such meaning for life. It is truly a fulfilling feeling to experience. If right now, you don't have the time or you don't feel ready to pursue your passion, try and make some time for it everyday and by working on it and becoming really good at it, you could eventually have the beautiful opportunity to make money from it and do it full time.
3. Self-awareness. When you are aware of yourself and your own actions, you are able to make sure that you are living your life in line with your values, your purpose and what you are passionate about. When you also take the time to reflect on your mistakes, you are able to learn from them and grow.
4. Simplify your life. When you choose to simplify your life, you will have way more time to do what fulfils you and what makes you happy. This will definitely help to decrease stress in your life and make your life more manageable. This way of life can be hard at first because of today's world where everything is so fast paced and easy. However it will greatly improve your overall productivity, which will leave you feeling more accomplished and stress-free.
5. Set daily goals for yourself. In the morning, create a list of 2-3 goals that you find meaningful to you and work towards putting in the effort to achieving them.
We cannot control everything in life, all we can control is our mindset, our attitude and our own actions. The rest you need to learn to let go and have faith that everything will work out. Be the leader of your own life and lead a life with meaning, where you are happier and feel amazing from within. Living your BEST life is achievable by all.
I really hope you enjoyed this week's episode. Thank you so much for listening.
I love you :)
Ciao xx
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