
Showing posts from March, 2021

Save our Seas. Wake up!

I have always felt a strong connection towards the ocean and it's beauty. I have always found an immense amount of love, appreciation and inspiration from the ocean. However the hard core truth that many of us either choose to ignore or are simply not aware of the serious issues our marine life are facing. I watched a really remarkable, eye opening documentary on Netflix basically exposing the harsh truth that we all may not be aware of and that is the unfair killing of our beautiful marine life that contributes greatly to our existence and it truly broke my heart. I believe the reason many of us don't take action is simply because we aren't aware and that we are fed information which is only trying to cover up the real truth. For a very long time, we are all led to believe that plastic is the main reason our marine life is rapidly dying out and that plastic is the main contributor to climate change however that is not the case. There is more than meets the eye. Anti- plast...

How good are green smoothies in the morning?

 How can green smoothies in the mornings improve your life? Many people have different opinions on how important breakfast is in our lives however it is the very first meal of the day and is also the meal needed to get you through the day. It provides your body with nutrients and also decreases feelings of fatigue.  Benefits include: 1. Helps with your daily fruit and leafy vegetable intake 2. Promotes weight loss in a healthy, natural way while supplying your body with amazing nutrients. 3. Keeps you hydrated and also affects your skin in a natural way, cleansing you of toxins. 4. Helps with digestion because green smoothies are filled with fiber which improves your overall digestion.  5. Basically rejuvenates your body because it is loaded with chlorophyll and chlorophyll can prevent anemia, helps with dental issues and even helps treat insomnia.  6. Helps relieve the symptoms of depression because it has high amount of folic acid and that helps to relive those fee...

How to change negative thinking

 Negative thinking is definitely something we all struggle with and it is very easy to give into those type of thought patterns. It contributes to anxiety, depression and limiting belief systems. It is your responsibility to change negative thought patterns into more helpful and positive ways of looking at situations.  The key to changing your negative thought patterns is making the effort to understand how you think now and the problems that result from those thoughts.  Here are 6 AMAZING tips for changing your negative thought patterns to change your life.  1. Take the time to understand your thinking style It is important to understand the way you are thinking now because usually if you tend to think of yourself as a complete failure or success in every situation you experience, then you are encouraging a 'black and white' way of thinking. Jumping to conclusions, negative assumptions, over generalizing also falls under negative thinking patterns.  2. Learn ho...

How to stop self sabotage.

 What holds you back from being your best self? For me, my limiting beliefs, low self esteem and major case of anxiety held me back. It is so easy to fall into the path of simply not believing in yourself which in the end only stops you from achieving your goals and dreams.  The best piece of advice I have received was 'stop doubting your abilities.' The thing that holds us all back including myself is FEAR. Fear that we won't succeed, fear that we are not good enough, fear that things won't work out and it is so easy to allow that fear to consume you and control your life.   Well, let me try and change that narrative for you. Why not look at fear as a big road sign showing you that life is so much better out of your comfort zone and that even though there's a chance you will make mistakes or fail, that is the lesson that life gives us to help us grow and become stronger. We should look at mistakes or failures in our life as life lessons that will only help us evolv...

How to practice SELF CARE daily

 Self care is so important to practice every day because it only leads to a positive outcome which includes balance in your life and leads towards an improved overall good health and wellness. Life is so beautiful and it is meant to be enjoyed. Here are 12 amazing self care tips to encourage an overall balanced and fulfilled life. 1. Drink a glass of water as soon as you wake up in the morning because when we wake up, we usually feel dehydrated and that often means starting off the day feeling low.  2. Write down 5 things every day that you are grateful for because that helps you to put things into perspective.  3. Create a menu for your week ahead because eating healthy, fresh foods sounds easy enough until life happens. Therefore preparation really is key.  4. Have some fun because our lives are so busy that it is important to spend time with our loved ones and have some fun.  5. Take some time to decompress and that does not mean it has to be an activity that...

Mental Health

Mental health basically includes your emotional, psychological and social well being. It affects how we think, feel and act. Our mental health determines how we handle stress, how we make our choices and how we can interact with others. It also impacts how we view ourselves and how we live our lives.  I have suffered from depression when I was younger and its not fun. It is like a dark place with no light and no way out. I now have a serious case of anxiety where it literally stops me from doing things or seeing people. I realized that I have had enough of certain issues impacting me where I can't even live life. It was hard to come to that realization. I have been around verbally abusive people my entire life and it eventually damages your mental health and lowers your self esteem.  My dad has always told me that if you allow people to get into your head- you are f** I have taken that with me throughout my life and tried to remember those words always because it's true and I ...