
Showing posts from May, 2021

How To Cope With Depression

 Hello everyone! Welcome to your weekly dose of good vibes! Depression is something that I experienced and so many of us also experience and the whole point of the journey towards success and inner happiness is being able to face all of your emotions even the dark feelings and confront them so that you can work on yourself to become better and stronger.  Practicing self acceptance is one of the ways that you can relieve the feelings and symptoms of depression. When I was depressed, you don't find joy in anything you used to love, you feel as if life has no meaning to you so what is the point? I felt like I had no purpose or idea of what I wanted my life to be and I continued to compare myself to everyone else instead of focusing on healing myself first and focusing on my own journey.  Now with social media, it can be extremely hard to not compare ourselves because we are constantly consumed by what everyone else is doing and that can take you to a very dark place mentally...

5 Foods That Keep You Young

 Hello everyone! Welcome to your weekly dose of good vibes! We sometimes forget the simple component of feeling our best and that starts with exercising and eating well.  Today I want to highlight 5 foods that keep you looking young so that you can always feel like your most fabulous self. When you take the time to exercise and make the effort to eat healthier, you are helping your body and mind to perform better and that helps you to feel good from within and that shows on the outside too. When you feel your best, you do your best. You feel confident, mentally strong and ready to achieve those goals. It is a fulfilling process when you invest in yourself.  What you eat shows directly on your skin and impacts your energy levels. The food choices that you make every day can either make you feel energetic and look good or it can cause you to feel tired and not looking good. I wanted to highlight 7 foods that are easy to keep your kitchen and can help you to feel good from t...

Do you fear being truly happy?

 Hello everyone! Welcome to your weekly dose of good vibes! Happy Wednesday!  Have you ever asked yourself if you are truly fearful of actually being happy? Because so often we tend to subconsciously give into self sabotaging behavior that holds us back because we are afraid of being happy and coming to the realization that that is possible.  We sometimes find ourselves stuck in a negative spiral where things are simply not going our way and we assume that is what life is about however we don't realize that we have the power to change that narrative in our lives and actively make the effort to change it.  Today I want to highlight 7 ways to get past what is holding you back. We all have our own fears in life and usually we focus all of our energy on avoiding those fears instead of tackling them head on. One of those fears could be embracing happiness in your life and not fearing it because we are scared it won't last or it is not a sustainable experience in life, how...

Let's talk about building self confidence

 Hi there! Welcome to your weekly dose of good vibes! Stay listening because I have an exciting giveaway to announce!! Today I want to discuss self confidence and I am going to highlight 6 FANTASTIC ways to build self confidence.  When you have self confidence, it brings amazing benefits in all areas of your life, whether it's at home, work, in relationships and I want to highlight the positive benefits of having self confidence.  When I was younger I was extremely shy, some would say a natural people pleaser- I want everyone to be happy even if that means being unhappy with myself. I have always been an introvert and knew a lot of people but didn't have many real friends. I preferred being in my bedroom, listening to my favorite music and I loved to dream. I've always felt different and as I grew up, I found myself not interested in engaging with people anymore because I felt like the conversations that I was surrounded with was not productive, positive, uplifting, fulfi...

10 Ways to get out of a negative mood

Hello everyone! This is going to be a really fun topic because we all find ourselves sometimes in a really bad mood and it ends up spoiling our entire day and our productivity. Some days, you do find yourself in a negative space mentally- we all do, it is part of being human. We have good days and bad days. Sometimes when you are having a bad day and you're in a bad mood- you feel completely helpless on how to change it around and just be happy. Instead of fighting it rather take this opportunity to implement these simple techniques into your life to get you back to those good vibes you so badly want again and be patient with yourself, practice self care.  So the next time you find yourself in a negative mood, try these amazing ways to snap out of it and feel like yourself again.  1. Go for a walk- let's be real, there are not many problems that a lovely, long, peaceful walk can't solve. For me, it has to do with the sunshine on my face, the fresh air, spending time in natu...

Positive benefits of failure

 Hello everyone!  Today I decided to discuss the daunting topic which is failure. I want to be very vulnerable and discuss some of my own experiences with you to hopefully give you context on the topic.  Failure is something that we can't change or stop, we can allow it to bring us down and hinder our growth towards success or we can use it to propel us forward with the lessons it provides to us. For some of us, we are either afraid or open to failing. I remember in school when I would fail a test- that feeling you get when you don't feel good enough, you feel like you failed yourself, your parents and the opinions that others think of you and you feel disappointed in yourself that basically diminishes any form of self confidence you have in yourself. I would beat myself up and it messed with my self esteem. We tend to base self esteem off of what other people say to us or think of us, instead of what we should think of ourselves, and from school, you are not taught that ...

How to get out of your own way and get things done.

 Hello everyone! A warm welcome to your weekly dose of good vibes.  Today's topic is how to get out of your own way and get things done.  Firstly, so often in our life, our biggest obstacle is ourselves. Let's be real, we can push ourselves to finish those last few hours of work even when we feel really drained, we can apply ourselves better to a task however our minds can constantly focus on resistance and once you are more aware of your own thoughts, your mind does not control you and you are able to make positive changes.  Sometimes we tend to give into self sabotaging thoughts, we spend time with demotivated people and we give up when it comes to a small setback. We stand in our own way because we choose to allow ourselves to encourage negative thought patterns, to not look at bad situations as growth and to give up really easily because we keep telling ourselves that we are not good enough.  Snap out of it. It is so easy to blame others for bad situations y...

How you can eat yourself to better health.

 Hello everyone! A warm welcome to your weekly dose of good vibes!! 3 Amazing quotes I would like to highlight are: -'Don't dig your own grave with your own knife and fork.' -'One should eat to live, not live to eat.' -'Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food.' I am extremely passionate about promoting a balanced relationship with food because I have personally tried all of the fad diets on the market and nothing works. It only leaves you feeling even more stressed, depressed and not good enough.  Therefore I want to highlight 10 top tips to improve your overall health by encouraging a more balanced approach to eating.  1. Go dairy free or try and lower your intake of dairy. Something I do is I replace cow's milk with oat milk. Which is surprisingly a really lovely substitute. Instead of using butter on your bread, why not try using cold pressed olive oil and spread that over your freshly sliced bread. Choose to enjoy gelato instead of ...

How you can cope with past trauma

 Welcome everyone!  Today I want to discuss something that affects us all and sometimes can hold us back from living the life we truly want. That is past trauma. We always speak about how struggles and failures are necessary parts of the human experience however we rarely discuss how past trauma can actually affect out daily lives and how it is also part of the learning process of understanding life.  We tend to consider ourselves lucky if we avoid trauma throughout our lives, while some of us are constantly working through it and allowing it to define who we are. However let's be real, because trauma affects us all whether it is big or small. So where do we start to work through trauma in our lives? I want to highlight 6 FANTASTIC ways to help you to deal and cope with trauma. Let us begin... 1. Allow some time because that will give your psyche the opportunity to understand the trauma that has occurred and actually create space for you to work towards accepting it, lear...

KW Health Wellness Hacks

 Welcome Sunshine! I wanted to discuss wellness hacks that everyone should be aware of.  There is basically a hack for everything, from beauty and skincare secrets to  amazing ways to be productive.  We all want to simplify our lives by being really smart and savvy with our time. Today I want to focus on wellness and how you can incorporate certain tips and tricks into your daily life to live a more balanced and overall healthier lifestyle, not only for your body but for your mind too.  1. Before checking your phone in the morning right away when you wake up, why not think of 3-4 things you want to accomplish and complete that day and tell yourself that you will complete these tasks.  2. Practice the art of 'future journaling' so basically practice the rule of changing your mindset to - if it is not going to matter in 5 years, rather don't spend more than 5 minutes being upset over it. That is basically a gentle reminder to not over think situations or spen...